A "miracle" food completely ignored by the general public....

The first results that made researchers aware of the wonders of coconut oil were obtained during AIDS research in New York in the early 1990s. Previously this oil was considered saturated and dangerous because it was mainly used in the manufacture of margarines. According to some, it seems that the richness of this oil can improve hundreds of health problems.

Recently Dr. Bruce Fife published a new book: "Stop Alzheimer's" in which he explains the incredible benefits of coconut. Dr. Fife presents this fruit as a real breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases, offering immense hope to people suffering from this type of problem, which, in medicine, we are still quite deprived of.

The properties of coconut go far beyond its nutritional qualities and its richness in fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is called a functional food because its healing properties exceed those of any other oil. It is also widely used in traditional medicine by the Pacific and Asian populations. The inhabitants of the islands consider it as a remedy for all diseases, so much so that they call the coconut tree "the tree of life".

Most saturated or unsaturated fats, whether of animal or vegetable origin, are composed of long-chain triglycerides, but coconut oil contains mainly medium-chain fatty acids which are highly digestible and whose triglycerides located in the middle of the chain can easily be used by the body for its energy needs. They are a quick source of energy, while providing a feeling of satiety quite quickly, allowing you to eat less. Here is a small list of the many properties attributed to the coconut and its oil.

In absorption, it allows to fight against various viruses (flu, herpes, hepatitis C, and even AIDS) as well as against various bacterial strains at the origin of angina, ulcers, urinary infections, gingivitis, pneumonia, menstrual disorders and many other diseases. These antiseptic virtues also prevent dental caries. Facilitating the absorption of calcium and magnesium, it supports the development and strengthens the bones (osteoporosis) and teeth. The coconut also has antifungal virtues which make it possible to fight concerns such as mushrooms, candidiasis, ringworm, mycosis and various erythemas. Other parasites such as tapeworms, pinworms or lice can also be eradicated with this wonderful fruit.

It is an exceptional source of quick energy and nutrition, and provides a very important vital energy. The consumer will see a very rapid increase in his physiological, physical and sporting resistance, or even overcome chronic fatigue or signs of hypothyroidism for example. The entire digestive metabolism, the absorption of nutrients (vitamins, minerals and amino acids) and the secretion of enzymes (liver, gallbladder) or hormones (insulin) linked to the entire digestive system will quickly become optimal. Coconut is known to reduce all the risks related to diabetes. Its benefits are also manifested at the level of the immune system and as a result, we often see reductions in the various inflammatory processes and a prevention or improvement of cancers or other degenerative diseases related to free radical damage. Indeed, its essential fatty acids protect against oxidation, reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart problems.
So far, we have talked about the virtues of the coconut in oral absorption, but its oil also has many properties related to its simple application.

A direct application of coconut oil on the hair will make it healthy and vigorous and will reduce dandruff.

As for its application on the skin, it strengthens the chemical barrier making it much more resistant to various infections and reduces the symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis. This oil regulates the natural chemical balance of the skin and prevents dryness, flaking, wrinkles, sagging skin and brown age spots. It also protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

There are many interesting stories about coconut being used externally and internally for pets. Dogs and cats that were given coconut oil and had rashes, and therefore licked it, had very positive "side effects" on the overall health of these animals.

In order to benefit from the wonderful properties of coconut, you can use it in all its forms: coconut milk, coconut juice or water, or fresh fruit flesh in the form of chips or flakes.

You may not know that coconut is used in the manufacture of many food products. Its flesh is very rich in dietary fiber and, unlike other nuts, is low in vitamin E, but particularly rich in iron, manganese, copper, phosphorus, zinc (especially for women), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), folate and lauric acid, a type of fatty acid found mainly in breast milk and rarely found in our diet. The fruit of the coconut is composed of a part of flesh and the other of water.

The oil extracted from the coconut meat can be used as a classic side oil and can be substituted for other oils in most recipes. Be careful because the coconut oil used in the preparations is sometimes hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, which gives rise to the formation of "trans" fatty acids physiologically unrecognized by the metabolism and may cause health problems.

Its almost transparent and slightly sweet water is completely free of fatty acids, is very low in calories, but very refreshing while stimulating on the kidneys. It is by mixing the flesh and the water of coconut that we prepare the coconut milk.

The coconut meat, also called copra, dried in the sun can be sold in the form of shavings as fine petals or in the form of flakes which will be used as breading of decoration.

Be sure to read the labels on dried products or coconut liquids, as they may contain sulfites in the form of additives used as preservatives, one of the nine most common food allergens.


HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 25 September, 2017
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Alzheimer, curcumin and vitamin D3