8 natural tips for fresh breath

Having bad breath is everyone's nightmare... Thanks to practical and natural tips, discover how to get rid of halitosis!

1. Taking care of your teeth for fresh breath.

The causes of halitosis are numerous. They can be due to dental problems: cavities, gingivitis... Remember to have your teeth checked at the dentist once a year.

In addition to proper brushing, a few natural tips can help you get fresh breath naturally.

  • clean the tongue each morning with a tongue scraper. This ayurvedic technique allows you to remove the film that has settled on your tongue in the morning.
  • Floss after every meal and even after brushing. This technique removes the smallest bits of food stuck between the teeth that may provoke bad breath as they decompose.

2. Drink enough water to avoid bad breath

Dehydration can cause bad breath. Remember to drink at least 1.5 liters of water throughout the day. You can add the juice of half a lemon and why not a little ginger.

Drink water throughout the day to avoid dry mouth which, as everyone knows, promotes bad breath. This explains that with the lack of hydration, bacteria proliferate.

3. Making bicarbonate mouthwash for good breath

Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Rinse your mouth for a few minutes after brushing. Baking soda will take care of softening the oral pH which will have the effect of fighting the spread of certain bacteria responsible for the bad smell.

4. Fresh breath and herbal medicine

  • Parsley is the grandmother's remedy for bad breath. The chlorophyll it contains helps destroy odors. Do not hesitate to put it in your dishes or even to prepare it in infusion or for gargle. Good to know: parsley is an excellent source of vitamin C.
  • Chewing on mint leaves after a meal not only helps with digestion but also sweetens breath.
  • Cloves have been used since the third century in Asia to fight bad breath. If you can, chew a clove directly. Otherwise, consume it in your culinary preparations or in infusion.
  • Fennel and dill seeds chewed or infused dissipate bad breath.

5. Fresh Breath and Digestion

  • When bad breath is due to a digestive problem, it is worth looking at the hepatobiliary sphere. Indeed, white tongue in the morning and halitosis are telltale signs of a sluggish liver and constipation.

Natural tip for fresh breath: .

Lemon juice in a little warm or hot water in the morning, and why not set up a hepatic drainage protocol depending on the state of your liver.

Put in the dustbin

  • Avoid foods rich in sulfur such as garlic, onions, shallots, meat...
  • Vegetable charcoal is generally used against bloating. It absorbs gases including those responsible for halitosis.

6. Bad breath: a sign of a healing crisis.

When you practice a fast or a detox, bad breath is a pretty good sign. It means that the body is getting rid of all the toxins in order to regain its homeostasis balance.

In this case, scrape your tongue in the morning, chew mint,brush your teeth several times a day with essential oils, do mouthwash etc... Only, keep in mind that this bad breath is temporary and is rather a good sign.

7. Essential oils to help with halitosis

A few drops of peppermint mentha piperita or lemon essential oil to put on the toothbrush at the end of brushing not only kills all the bad bacteria but also gives you fresh breath. Do not hesitate to put it in your "home-made" toothpastes. However, this tip is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women and children.

8. To go further

A good quality intestinal flora is essential for a good digestion. When the microbiota is perfectly balanced, bad bacteria do not proliferate. And it is these that are responsible for the production of malodorous gases. 

Furthermore, intestinal dysbiosis can have repercussions all along the digestive tract, both upstream and downstream. The oral cavity can be affected by an overgrowth of pathogenic bacteria.

In this case, a course of probiotics can be considered.

Alexia Bernard 21 February, 2020
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