Nettle leaves are consumed for their flavor but also for their therapeutic virtues. Did you know that the seeds were also used in traditional phytotherapy? Discover in the following lines, 5 reasons to add nettle seeds in your plate and in your natural pharmacy!
Let's start with the presentation of the nettle

Nettle, urtica dioica of its botanical name, is a herbaceous perennial plant that can be found in nitrogen-rich soils. Its size can vary from 30 cm to 1.50m, its creeping stem is upright and has opposite, oval, elongated and slightly serrated leaves. If one observes the nettle closely, one can notice small hairs on its surface. These hairs are very stinging and have a bulb with a siliceous tip that releases an allergenic liquid rich in histamine on contact with the skin.
Dioica means that it divides into two. There are male and female plants. It is the females that produce the seeds.
1. Nettle seeds, an adaptogen for your well-being
Nettle seeds are part of the large family of adaptogens just like Rhodiola. This means that they soothe the anxious and boost the most tired. It is very indicated in case of overwork, stress, of anxious period as the passage of an examination, a professional presentation, a marriage, a divorce, a removal...
It will regulate the secretion of cortisol and will take care of the adrenals.
Moreover, in case of tiredness and lassitude, it will bring the energy necessary to pass to the action and to raise its vital energy.
2. Nettle seeds to relieve PMS
Premenstrual syndrome affects many women of childbearing age. Despite what you may hear, PMS is not normal and is not a fatality. By reviewing your diet, filling nutritional gaps and fighting a sedentary lifestyle, the uncomfortable symptoms will clearly diminish or even disappear. Nettle seeds will support the process of revitalization and purification of the excess of estrogen in the blood and tissues thanks to their richness in vitamins and minerals.
3) Nettle seeds, a natural anti-inflammatory
Perhaps you should push Granny into the nettles! The stinging leaves have an analgesic effect and taken in infusion, they are anti-inflammatory. It is the same for the seeds because let us not forget that in the seeds, is the totality of the plant, from the root to the leaf while passing by the flowers, the stem and the bark. Thus, consuming nettle seeds protects you and can relieve you of any inflammation.
4. Strengthen your immune system with nettle seeds
Nettle seeds must be free of pollution. Either buy organic or harvest them far from human activity. The seeds are an excellent source of vitamin C, which acts as a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of stress and strengthens immune system agents in their fight against pathogenic microorganisms.
5. Improves venous circulation
Another interesting fact about the benefits of nettle seeds is that they improve venous circulation. Thus, in all the problems of type bad venous return with feeling of heavy legs, pains in the lower limbs, varicose veins etc... The consumption of nettle seeds helps to fluidify the blood and to tone up the walls of the veins in order to facilitate the return circulation.
How to consume nettle seeds
It is regularly advised to chew nettle seeds for breakfast with a little miel if necessary. In order to take full advantage of its benefits, the intake must be done in a progressive way by increasing the quantities little by little and on the long term, at least 2 months .
One will start with a small pinch per day in the morning then one will increase gradually until 1 tablespoon per day. However, it is important to listen to the body signals which will indicate to you if you are on the good dosage or not because in the event of overdose, the seeds of nettle become a powerful purgative even to cause a lethargic sleep.
Decoctions and mother tinctures are not recommended because they would diminish the quality of the active ingredients, making nettle seeds much less effective for the same quantity consumed internally.
Warning with nettle seeds
Although nettle seeds have tonic benefits, they cannot be used to cure all the ills without questioning the hygiene of life in a global way. The "booster" effect must be temporary, otherwise we risk adrenal exhaustion, and therefore burn out. Take the time to consult a naturopath to set up new habits that will take care of your physical and mental health.