While it is beneficial in allowing us to move forward in life, stress can also be negative once we enter a phase of resistance or exhaustion. Indeed, the state of stress is a normal response of the organism which wishes to adapt to its environment. Therefore, we can easily imagine that this stress is essential, inevitable but also normal.
Hans Selye, born in Vienna, Austria in 1907 and died in Montreal in 1982, is a pioneer in the study of stress. His research on this phenomenon allowed to highlight the 3 reaction phases well known to this day:
La phase d’alarme - stress aigu
C'est la phase qui va prévenir le corps d’une situation anormale. Elle permettra à l’organisme de tout mettre en œuvre pour s’adapter au mieux à cette nouvelle situation. Pendant cette phase, les émotions peuvent être multiples comme des angoisses, des peurs, de la nervosité, un rythme cardiaque plus rapide par exemple.
D’ailleurs, plusieurs déséquilibres dans le corps peuvent survenir : mauvaise digestion, transpiration abondante, perte de cheveux, démangeaisons, etc…
La phase de résistance – stress chronique –
Elle met le corps dans un état d’endurance à une situation bien précise. C’est la situation pendant laquelle le corps lutte et encaisse pour tenir bon pour ne surtout pas lâcher prise. Dans ce cas-ci, la réponse est surtout hormonale et les glandes surrénales sont en souffrance.
La phase d’épuisement
The exhaustion phase where the body says stop because all resources have been used to manage the stress. It is the red button that flashes faster and faster because the response is vital and the body is in danger. Depression and psychosomatic disorders are often related.
Lutter naturellement contre le stress
To go from one phase to another, our body does not ask us for any authorization. Moreover, with the lifestyle that society imposes on us, we generally miss the first signs, the first alerts. Sometimes, even quickly, without having had time to think about it, we find ourselves in a phase of resistance to fight against a daily life that no longer meets our expectations, nor your values.
Many people let themselves be carried along by life without understanding the messages of the body. We have not, in fact, been educated in this. Nevertheless, in order to maintain our health, it is essential to take the time to focus on ourselves, our bodies and our emotions. Indeed, when sleep is impaired, when the digestive system no longer responds properly or when the immune system weakens, perhaps it is time to listen to the messages of our body.
At this point, there is still time to take care of yourself. Although the priority is to rest in this moment of internal agitation, nature provides us with a few things that are essential to our survival:
L’huile essentielle d’épinette noire
Black Spruce Essential Oil: Thanks to its tailored biochemical molecules, this essential oil will be highlighted for its hormone-mimetic action on the adrenal glands. In fact, it boosts adrenal cortex activity in case of stress. Apply one or two drops just above the kidneys, massaging gently.
Les plantes adaptogènes
Elles permettent à l’organisme de lutter contre le stress et de réguler ainsi le corps pour qu’il s’adapte au mieux. Ce type de plantes existent depuis toujours et les variétés sont nombreuses : le ginseng, l’eleuthérocoque, la schisandra, le cassis, le maca, le lapacho, etc. Chaque individu verra alors son terrain amélioré par l’une de ces plantes, en fonction de ses besoins propres. Reportez-vous à votre naturopathe, herboriste ou médecin traitant pour une posologie adaptée à vos besoins.
Le magnesium
Magnesium: This trace element, essential to the proper functioning of the body, contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system as well as reducing fatigue. It helps to reduce stress and nervousness. Moreover, the deficiencies are more and more numerous. If your diet is not sufficient to make up for magnesium losses, do not hesitate to supplement with good quality food supplements.
Stress can quickly become enemy number one to your health so listen to the signs and take charge quickly so you don't get caught up in a negative vortex.