17 herbs and spices to help you with diabetes

Before reaching the diabetic state, many people previously suffered from disorders of blood sugar and sugar metabolism.

As with many health problems, diet plays a major role in the development and establishment of these problems.

According to the most recent figures from the American Diabetes Associations, the number of Americans with diabetes is 29.1 million. This disease is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. This is all the more alarming since it is estimated that 8 million of the 29.1 million people counted are unaware of their medical condition.

Whether or not you are affected by this disease, since food plays an essential role in the development of diabetes of pre-diabetes, it is wise to adopt certain dietary and preventive measures.

Nutritionists and doctors such as Dr. Alexa Fleckenstein have identified at least 17 herbs and spices that can help with these concerns.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of these health foods with a brief statement of their properties:

  1. Basil (Ocimum basilicum): A small study of 40 people with type 2 diabetes found that basil reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 17.7 percent. Even after the meal, blood glucose levels remained 7.3% lower. Think of adding a few basil leaves to the heart of your mixed salads.
  2. Blueberries (Vaccinium myrtillus): very characteristic by their dark blue color, reflecting the anthocyanins (antioxidant pigments) they contain, blueberries are known to reduce the inflammatory ground and consequently all the diseases that result from it including diabetes. A clinical nutrition study conducted by a public health institute found that regular ingestion of these colorful berries improved glucose tolerance.
  3. Chamomile matricaria (Chamomilla matricaria): this plant provides an extremely potent essential oil, but this is not its only quality plus it also helps to maintain blood sugar at very low levels. It is also the liver to store sugars properly.
  4. 4. La cannelle (Cinnamomum verum) : connue pour sa puissance aromatique, cette plante aussi limite les dégâts d’excès de glucose. Une étude de 2003 révèle qu’après 40 jours d’ingestion de cannelle, les taux de glucose sanguin des patients qui la consommaient étaient abaissés de presque 30 %.

Bâtons et fleur de cannelle posés sur table grise

5. Le cumin (Cyminum) Cumin (Cyminum): this spice with a smoky flavor and taste, if appreciated by the diabetic, will help him to lower his cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Cumin is one of the "anti-aging" products that protect against glycation.

Dandelion (Taraxacum): with its bitter green leaves, dandelion is well known for its liver draining action. It cleanses the body and helps to lose weight.

Dill (Anethum graveolens): has been used since the Middle Ages to potentiate the "health" effects of foods. Scientists now recognize that this plant contains about 70 active ingredients useful in diabetes problems.

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare): it has a refined and characteristic flavor and taste. One of these active ingredients, anethol, reduces inflammation. Whether you choose the bulb or its seedsFennel reduces the complications of diabetes.

Garlic (Alium sativum): it is certainly the most known spice for its health benefits. From a scientific point of view, it is known that it prevents the anarchic and excessive development of cytokines (molecules involved in inflammatory processes).

10. Le gingembre (Zingiber officinalis) : ce rhizome possède lui aussi des vertus anti-inflammatoires notamment actives dans les migraines ou dans les problèmes de digestion. Il a la capacité de diminuer les taux de cholestérol, de triglycérides et de glucose sanguin.

Peppermint (Mentha piperita): it is full of antioxidant principles that will be useful to diabetics, but also to anyone experiencing digestive problems or fatigue.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): is also known for the antiviral and anti-inflammatory essential oil it provides. One of its active phytochemicals is carnosol, which helps people suffering from metabolic syndrome (visceral fat, excess weight...).

Sage (Salvia officinalis): a popular saying goes, "Sage in the garden, keeps the doctor away". This aromatic herb is versatile. Known for its calming and antibacterial effects, we can also benefit from its powerful antioxidant principles in the case of diabetes (among others) by consuming it in the form of herbal tea.

Sauge dans massif

Stevia: is a plant with sweetening virtues that can advantageously replace synthetic sweeteners and sugars. Diabetics will be able to continue to sweeten what they eat thanks to this plant which decreases the postprandial insulin peaks (after meals).

Tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus): This herb also manifests hypoglycemic properties. It limits the effects of overeating and reduces insulin resistance.

16. Le thymThyme (Thymus vulgaris): it contains approximately 75 phytochemical active ingredients. They help reduce the impact of diabetes as well as that of various bacteria and viruses. This herb will also keep you healthy!

Indian saffron (Curcuma longa): is well known for its beautiful orange-gold color very specific to this root. Its powerful earthy taste can enhance most cooked dishes. The "Journal of Diabetes Care" published a study showing that people with pre-diabetes who consume curcumin capsules avoid progression to diabetes type 2 diabetes, while pre-diabetics who have consumed placebos, almost inevitably evolve into this type of diabetes.

So, cooking spicy and flavored will undoubtedly allow you to eat "cheerful" and healthy, but especially to stay healthy!

Sources :

HBE Diffusion, PANNE Carol 26 February, 2015
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